Thursday, November 7, 2019

CONTEXT : Vietnam war


                                                  TV interview during battle in Vietnam


                                      OTHER HOLLYWOOD VIETNAM FILMS

The Vietnam war,  due to its nature, the impact of compulsory conscription, the high death rate, its failure , the links to youth culture of the 19060s and its high profile in the media  had a huge impact on the American psyche and eventually its film output. There were many films made about the conflict ( in the 1980s in particular )and they are usually violent, downbeat  and pessimistic ( unlike many of the heroic films about WW2 )  . Apocalypse Now was one of the first .

 Characters in action films are still often haunted or affected by serving in Vietnam ( Rambo, Taxi Driver, Lethal Weapon  Principal Skinner in The Simpsons etc. )

                         From Platoon to Winter Soldier 

                          Article about Hollywood's treatment of Vietnam

                              Vietnam veteran reviews Vietnam war films

                                                       Russian Roulette scene

                                                   The Deer Hunter  ( 1978 )

Platoon ( Stone 1986)

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